reminds me of those Triad guys, simple but effective
2008-02-17 12:09
I remember that Janitor wrote a greeting in one intro reading "greetings to 2000 A.D. (3AD intro rippers inc... Yeah!)". I wonder what intro he was referring to? .-) However, this intro is nicer looking than any of the Triad intros at the time.
2004-10-08 10:28
Similar style yes, but the char set that makes up the "2000 AD" logo is actually different to the Triad classic. But then again so is the scroller. A rip? I doubt it very much. S451 also had similar styled intros, as did the Beasties and other groups....look around guys :-)
2004-10-08 01:54
Yes this is a Triad intro.
Dr.j/The Force
2004-08-02 01:25
another Classic intro.
keep cool guyz..
2004-07-24 12:33
They ripped a triad intro?
Detonator 4001
2004-07-12 23:47
minimailistic stylish!
nice intro! fast group that time!