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USA Team 01

German USA Team 2004-11-27 12:43
I have a couple of German USA Team demos listed
at my ftp site :

Check also

Sune / German USA TEAM 2004-11-27 02:41
This is the intro from the first game we cracked ever, Winter Wonderland. It was a major breakthrough for us, that manifested our name on the scene back then. In this intro we refer to us as just "USA-TEAM", because we didn't even know about the dutch guys at that point. We also made some "hate"-intros and demos, fighting our little war against the dutch, which I've in vain been trying to find on the web, so if anyone has them, please let me know.
Zyron 2004-11-23 17:38
There were two USA Teams, the german & the dutch one. They were always arguing who came up with the name first. This intro is from the german group.
Kyle 2004-11-23 04:02
As far as I know they were both (D)utch and (G)erman. If you look at some of the old Triad scroll texts you'll see that they were always greeted as (D) USA -team.
Orion 2004-11-22 19:53
USA Team was a dutch group?

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