
downloads : 3610
Touch of Class, A [ATC] 06

*p* 2011-03-18 10:22
what Rough said! a true classic.
Rough 2010-09-19 22:29
the neo technic style plus the very fitting music make this one of the best if not THE best NTSC intro ever
conrad 2007-12-12 18:25
I remember running this intro lots of times just to hear the great music by Tim Follin! :) The intro is very nice as well.
Hades 2007-09-16 08:52
really nice intro
OEP 2007-09-15 23:50
I never did like that noise that stared off this intro.
Twoflower 2006-05-12 12:52
Another really fine intro. Colors, tune, everything.
goblin 2004-11-06 05:46
ATC used to be my favorite group in US. I would download tons of their warez off BBS's.
Kree 2004-10-26 18:05
Coolest intro EVER! Nice colors. And that Tim Follin tune sure is great! Download now!!!

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