
downloads : 3270
Yeti Factories [YF] 03

Gibbon 2012-01-03 18:12
Top 10 intro, cool.
Rough 2010-09-26 00:30
futuristic dark underground... cyberspace, the world described in Neuromancer and we and this intro are part of.
Goblin 2007-09-26 06:41
Yeah..Sharp.. i downloaded a Platoon game and it had this Yeti intro back in '87. (Warez Castle BBS 516 Area Code) Greetz to all Goblin'87-93
Hubble 2007-09-23 21:13
Good one if you ask me.
Noggle 2007-04-16 22:21
The real name was the GayGroup.
Swap 2007-04-14 18:32
Hey, i want to swap stuff with this guys in 1987, but they say no :-( This intro is fucking great!
TWR 2006-09-06 16:11
One of the best gangs and a brilliant intro. Man, I was really impressed by this - and we played Wizball alot back in the 80's. :-)
Twoflower 2006-05-12 12:32
Really like this one, the rasterbars, the dark sound. Very 1986 or early 1987.
janer 2004-07-04 21:20
right!!!! one of the best intro tunes!
Hades 2004-07-02 09:31
check this out, very nice charset and colorsettings,
cool Logo and Rasterbars, dark "sound"!!!

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