
downloads : 2600
Flash Cracking Group [FCG] 06

iAN CooG 2016-01-23 14:37
I have yet to find a f4cg crack using a similar intro. point me to one.
a c64 enthusiast 2016-01-20 08:54
I also remember it in front of some F4CG cracks.
Why do you think F4CG ripped it from Flash and not Flash ripped F4CG?
Rough 2010-09-26 12:29
Nonsense, of course it's vice versa when it's about ripping. It's also possible that Ede made (sold?) an intro for F4CG being similar to FCG output.
mizz 2007-09-20 20:47
same for me.. it's F4CG!
laexicon 2006-04-17 21:18
Yep, i can sey it for sure: it was ripped from F4CG, shame on Flash!
theguard 2006-01-06 14:20
I saw this intro many times in F4CG cracks. Credited to Ricky/F4CG
2005-11-13 11:42
Guess who ripped! Idiot!
ex italian scener 2005-09-02 09:04
I saw this intro in some old F4CG cracks. Who ripped who?
FATE 2004-12-27 03:06
But not EDE!
Kyle 2004-06-21 03:24
Legends of the c64 scene. Really nice design to their intro's and always featuring superior coding for the time. This intro has nice music to go accompany it.

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