
downloads : 2326
Extasy 02

Rough 2011-12-15 21:16
That's the way it is. Thanks, Twoflower.
Didnt find it in a Vision/Density etc. release with a quick glance, but it's credited to Hein Design (not HPH/Vision) in some releases e.g. Ice-Cold 2/Orion
Twoflower 2011-12-15 12:46
Didn't Hein to this font when he was in Vision? According to Sander it is. It's very well used anyway.
Rough 2011-12-01 00:19
Yep, for sure. But who did that font? Couldnt find it in any Contex demo.
stainless steel 2011-11-27 03:39
I#m suspecting they forged the logo out of the wellknown 4x4 font. I once did the same :-D
Rough 2010-09-27 20:28
Who did the logo font? My guess is Artline Designs, but I want to know sure.
*p* 2010-06-05 15:38
Memory shows .. Music and Player by Zardax/Origo ;)
sean 2010-06-05 14:30
Always liked this intro! Think it was creatures++ I saw it first on. Who is the tune by?

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