
downloads : 888
Yugoslav Cracking Service [Yu.C.S.] 04

TWR 2008-12-18 23:28
...and a very merry x-mas to you too, ZeSmasher. ;-)
iAN CooG/HF 2008-12-18 21:44
Infos posted as comment are ok. If you know a intro is ripped just comment and name the intro/group it's ripped from. No need to attack this and that lamers, they're all gone as of now, and we all know that stealing intros is lame. I also did it, kick my butt now!1
Druid / Agony Design 2008-12-18 10:20
Hey guys! It is definitely a discussion here :]

We were discussing this matter on our staff forum and it is maybe to let those intros stay for sake of completeness and preserving scene history. In the new outfit (I know, this is boring, but the works are advanced and I hope you will like it) we will add some kind of tag feature where we can add tags like 'fake' to such intros and this will be clear.

Personally I think that there are more intros like this but they were still part of the scene of some kind. Maybe not that part that we were / are proud of but still it is.
ZeSmasher 2008-12-18 00:39
Yup TWR, it's a demo released last month. Well, I think stolen code and stolen cracks is plain lame, even if done in 1000 B.C.. Anyway if this yucs intro will become one day the most downloaded and the most liked one, it won't change my life, so I close this thread here, wishing you all a Merry Xmas! :)
TWR 2008-12-18 00:16
Don't know what "Edge of Disgrace" is but commin' from Booze Design I suppose this is a demo. What you explain is a different matter but I see your point. The thing is to focus on REAL scene-materia with the base back in 1986-1991. I don't know when these YU.C.S fellows were active but it seems to be of minor importance in this case.
ZeSmasher 2008-12-18 00:08
sim+TWR: you have your opinion, but if what you say is true, then you could get edge of disgrace from booze design, change a couple of logos from it and rerelease it with your label. Then I really I wonder if people will think "that's lame, but well it's still something belonging to the c64 scene" or "WTF is this s**t?!?!".
sim 2008-12-17 21:16
Absolutely agree with TWR... It is a history, and if you preserve it, you gotta be ready for "unpleasant surprises". And i do nod agree with such horrible words like "f*****' lamers". Well, Life is life...
TWR 2008-12-16 09:09
In my world - alot of groups "borrowed" things from each other, with or without permission. Whole rip-offs is truly lame, but still - that was part of the scene and shitgroups like this (YU.C.S) have their part in scene-history (for better and for worse). The difference is who you ask, and for whom "tribute-intros" is ok. (Ok, I know this isn't a tribute-intro but they are the same shit to me).
Kyle 2008-12-12 09:49
@ZeSmasher: Agreed, if the code is identical except a few sinus changes and colours, then it shouldnt be here.
ZeSmasher 2008-12-10 13:54
stolen intros should not be on this site. if it's sure this intro is stolen from another group I'd like to have it removed.
iAN CooG/HF 2008-12-07 19:57
Confirmed, I ripped it as sharks-28.prg, from Masterblaster/Sharks
always64 2008-12-07 06:16
i agree to iAN CooG/HF, but not sure at all
iAN CooG/HF 2008-11-25 15:26
I believe it's a sharks intro
dr.K / ex-CHS 2008-11-24 15:35
These fuckin' Lamerz, are just a stupid bunch of retail sellers. They are a disgrace to all of us from Serbia who actually created something on our own and were a part of a scene! And this is a shameles piece of theft - it is an Ikari intro.

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