
downloads : 3326
Empire 02

Tristan 2012-01-06 02:16
Slaves? lol.. all EMP members were well established elite sceners before Empire.
Napalm Empire 2011-10-01 18:07
1991 was when all the Napalm crew joined with Empire, Very interesting time in the history of the scene. So many Slaves turned into scene G0Dz.
B00ze/Empire#1 2007-12-31 11:28
TLD made the intro and shipped it to us, and somehow I ended-up changing the scrollie's font (i was thinking same font on 3x lines was too much) and made an FLD on the scrollie -> That got TLD mad as hell and he never spoke to me again (his lost). Turned out ppl like the replacement font and the bounce. L8r.
Tristan/Empire 2005-11-28 17:58
Was used a ton in 1991. I got so sick of it. The guy who did the logo was a pretty famous ntsc artist in the usa demo scene. I think he moved from 215 (PA) to thailand or something. Jeff was his name. Lived in Bethleham, PA.

Tim (tld) coded this and used the tune from the ABYSS intro he coded ages ago.

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