
downloads : 4974
Fairlight [FLT] 09

Rough 2010-09-23 23:40
@Druid: your intros always had great design. Thumbs up!
Blah 2008-08-26 08:47
i dont recal this though
Rough 2007-10-05 01:55
Just saw this intro for the first time, excellent stuff.
sim1 2004-05-30 14:39
cruelty: The weirdest intro opinion I have ever read =).
Intro itself is very nice and different. But I prefer ones with logos =).
mct 2004-03-20 00:16
very nice intro, i remember seeing it a looong time ago - congrats!
Druid / Agony Design 2004-03-16 17:17
Thanks, check also my other one in this style - Birdie - inspired by Wiliam Wharton's "Birdie" book. You can found it under Chromance - Chromance 02. It has great music composed by Zyron :)
Shokray 2004-03-15 08:43
I like this intro.. it's clean and it has got a very own style. Goodie
Druid / Agony Design 2004-03-09 20:15
There is a small trick in this intro that i've coded just for fun : sometimes the stain on the paper is blue which is obvious for ink-stain. But sometimes it is red...

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