
downloads : 3689
Ikari+Talent 01

sim1 2017-07-25 01:06
OK. Thank you for the answer.

Aie..... =/.............................. .. .
Alex/Chromance 2017-07-03 00:08
I dont know about other intros..

Yes, Griff has gone away forever..
sim1 2017-07-02 22:48
Thank you for the information.
Do you have some unreleased I+T intros by FBI Crew? Or the intros which were not yet not attached to the games.

Griff is not among us anymore?..? =O...
Alex/Chromance 2017-06-29 22:04
yeah.. as I remember well, coded by Cpu, gfx by Skc (Sangfroid) and music by Griff... ( R.I.P :( ) (Alles of FBI Crew and Chromance)
64lover 2006-10-31 10:41
What do i have to say...just this ikari&talent the ultimate co-op!
TWR 2006-08-22 18:31
Very stylish intro with very good music.
sim1 2004-03-23 00:05
Very stylish and kicking. The tune itself is not top but the designs reaches the highes level (at that time). Thanx to FBI Crew. Ikari and Talent 4'ever!

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